Monday, October 29, 2012

King of the Hill, puppy style

Our English Shepherd puppies are seven weeks old and almost ready to go home. They also love their playground. All day long they get to race and climb and explore a variety of objects as we rotate them through their play area.

Today, Fwirl decides she is Queen of the Tire.

Layla comes over to check out Mira, who feigns disinterest.

 Fwirl pounces and Mira sees her chance for a silent coup.

With no one paying attention, however, she decides to back out.

Mira goes off to practice a little spy action rolling under the seesaw. Jay sees his chance to become King of the Tire and hence King of the Playground.

Except maybe there is something more interesting over at the seesaw.

Or maybe all the fun really is back at the tire.

If you have any questions about the litter, their parents or are interested in a puppy, please contact us (the link will take you to a contact page on my personal blog).


  1. Thanks! They're sweeties. :) We're really enjoying this time with them.
