According to the Rule of Sevens, by the time a puppy is seven weeks old, it should have:
- Been on 7 different types of surfaces
- Played with 7 different types of objects
- Been in 7 different locations
- Met and played with 7 new people
- Been exposed to 7 challenges
- Eaten from 7 different containers
- Eaten in 7 different locations
Surfaces: Concrete, grass, pine bedding, blanket, hardwood, laminiate, plastic, blanket, leather, carpeted mat
Toys: Rope tug toys, herding ball, tennis ball, sticks, fabric toys
Different locations: Whelping area, fenced area, front yard, backyard, barn, poultry yard, front room, kitchen, laundry room, porch, garage (Next week, they will be making their first field trip off our property to the park)
New people: Neighbor boy, friends of our family with four young children, my parents.
Challenges: Stairs, slide, wooden platform, uneven/wobbly surfaces, getting around a fence, going down a ramp, hide and seek, herding chickens
Eaten from: metal dog dish, porcelain, plastic, frying pan, concrete
Fed: In their whelping area, in their play yard, in the kitchen, in the garage, on the patio
Additionally: They have been introduced to 6 dogs other than their mother, our cat, a calf, our rabbit, chickens and ducks.
Our puppies are confident, curious and beginning to express their herding instincts when they are out with the poultry. They have a potty area they use most of the time. They prefer going outside and have a large wading pool with dirt and pine bedding to use at night. They generally go in it or right next to the door overnight. They are still young and not capable of holding it very long, but this should provide a good basis for continued housebreaking.
They also enjoy accompanying us for chores. They generally follow us wherever we go in a tumbling, wrestling little puppy pack. They enjoy practicing herding the poultry, but are quick to come when called.
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